Materi dan Artikel (Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif)

Kalimat aktif (active voice) adalah kalimat yang subjeknya melakukan sebuah pekerjaan atau kegiatan. Kebalikan dari kalimat ini adalah kalimat pasif (passive voice), yang memiliki arti di-. Supaya lebih jelas, lihat perbedaan dua kalimat tersebut pada contoh berikut.
Kalimat aktif: I clean my room every day. [Saya membersihkan kamarku setiap hari.]
Kalimat pasif: My room is cleaned by me every day. [Kamarku dibersihkan olehku setiap hari.]

Rumus kalimat aktif
Dalam kalimat aktif, Sesuatu yang melakukan tindakan adalah subjek kalimat dan sesuatu yang menerima tindakan adalah objek. Kebanyakan kalimat dalam bahasa inggris merupakan kalimat aktif.
[Subject/Sesuatu yang melakukan tindakan] + [Verb/kata kerja] + [Object/Sesuatu yang menerima tindakan]

Rumus kalimat pasif
Dalam kalimat pasif, sesuatu yang menerima tindakan adalah subjek kalimat dan sesuatu yang melakukan tindakan(bersifat opsional, dapat ditulis atau tidak) ditulis dekat dengan akhir kalimat. Kita dapat menggunakan bentuk pasif jika kita berpikir bahwa sesuatu yang menerima tindakan merukanan hal yang lebih penting atau harus ditekankan kepada pendengar.  kita juga dapat menggunakan bentuk pasif jika  kita tidak tahu siapa yang melakukan tindakan atau jika  kita tidak ingin menyebutkan siapa yang melakukan tindakan.
[Sesuatu yang menerima tindakan] + [be] + [past participle(verb 3) dari kata kerja] + [by] + [sesuatu yang melakukan tindakan]

Cara membuat kalimat pasif dari kalimat aktif
1.        Gunakan is, am, atau are jika kalimat aktifnya menggunakan V1
Jika kalimat aktifnya menggunakan verb 1 (simple present tense), gunakan is, am, are, atau is untuk membuat kalimat pasifnya. Contoh:
·           We clean the house every week. [Kami membersihkan rumah setiap minggu.]
The house is cleaned by us every week. [Rumah dibersihkan oleh kami setiap minggu.]

·           She kicks the ball very hard. [Dia menendang bola dengan sangat keras.]
The ball is kicked by her very hard. [Bola ditendang olehnya dengan sangat keras.]

2.        Gunakan was atau were jika kalimat aktifnya menggunakan verb 2
Jika kalimat aktifnya menggunakan verb 2 (simple past tense), gunakan was atau were untuk membuat kalimat pasifnya. Contoh:
·           I called my mother yesterday. [Saya menelepon ibuku kemarin.]
My mother was called by me last night. [Ibuku ditelepon olehku kemarin.]

·           She ate two hamburgers at a time. [Dia makan dua hamburger sekaligus.]
Two hamburgers were eaten by her at a time. [Dua hamburger dimakan sekaligus oleh dia.]

3.        Sisipkan been di antara have dan verb 3
Jika kalimat aktif menggunakan have + verb 3 (perfect tense), sisipkan been di antara have dan verb 3 untuk membuat kalimat pasifnya. Namun, Anda harus menyesuaikan have dengan subjek di kalimat pasifnya.
Contoh present perfect tense:
·           Sarah has made many cakes. [Ibuku sudah membuat beberapa kue.]
Many cakes have been made by Sarah. [Beberapa kue sudah dibuat oleh Sarah.]

Contoh past perfect tense:
·           Raffi had told a nice story to me. [Raffi telah menceritakan sebuah cerita yang menarik padaku.]
A nice story had been told by Raffi to me. [Sebuah cerita yang menarik telah diceritakan Raffi padaku.]

4.        Tambahkan being sebelum verb 3 jika kalimat aktifnya continuous tense
Jika kalimat aktifnya berupa continuous tense, tambahkan being sebelum verb 3 untuk membuat kalimat pasifnya. Mohon diingat, to be-nya disesuaikan dengan subjek kalimat pasifnya.
Contoh present continuous tense:
·           Agus is writing a book. [Agus sedang menulis sebuah buku.]
A book is being written by Agus. [Sebuah buku sedang ditulis oleh Agus.]

Contoh past continuous tense:
·           We were discussing the problem last night. [Kami sedang mendiskusikan masalah tadi malam.]
The problem was being discussed by us last night. [Masalah sedang didiskusikan oleh kami tadi malam.]

5.        Tambahkan be sebelum verb 3 jika kalimat aktif menggunakan modal
Jika kalimat aktif menggunakan modal, tambahkan be sebelum verb 3 untuk membuat kalimat pasifnya. Contoh:
·           I will solve the problem soon. [Saya akan menyelesaikan masalah itu segera.]
The problem will be solved by me soon. [Masalah itu akan diselesaikan segera oleh saya.]

·           You can borrow these books. [Anda dapat meminjam buku-buku ini.]
The books can be borrowed by you. [Buku-buku ini dapat dipijam oleh Anda.]

Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam membuat kalimat pasif, yatu:
1.      By – By dalam kalimat pasif tidak wajib ditulis (optional). Dengan kata lain, Anda bisa menggunakannya atau tidak.
2.      Kalimat non verbal – Kalimat non verbal (tanpa kata kerja) tidak dapat dibentuk menjadi kalimat pasif. Contoh:
We are member of this cafe.
This cafe is membered by us. (kalimat salah)
3.      Kalimat tanpa objek – Kalimat tanpa objek tidak dapat dibentuk menjadi kalimat pasif. Contoh:
I go to school every morning. (school every morning adalah keterangan)

Simple Present
 Twice a month, Tony cleans the room.
Twice a month, the room is cleaned by Tony.
Present Continuous
Right now, Sally is cleaning the floor.
Right now, the floor is being cleaned by Sally.
Simple Past
Samadi repaired the radio.
The radio was repaired by Samadi.
Past Continuous
The security was helping the customer when the thief came into the bank.
The customer was being helped by the security when the thief came into the bank.
Present Perfect
Many peoples have visited that cemetery.
That cemetery has been visited by many peoples.
Present Perfect Continuous
Recently, Joshua has been doing the job.
Recently, the job has been being done by Joshua.
Past Perfect
Gerry had repaired many computers before he received his license.
Many computers had been repaired by Gerry before he received his license.
Past Perfect Continuous
The Chef had been preparing the dinners for three years before he moved to Swiss.
The dinners had been being prepared by the Chef for three years before he moved to Swiss.
Simple Futurewill
Sam will finish the work by 7:00 PM.
The work will be finished by 7:00 PM.
Simple Futurebe going to
Sally is going to make a dinner tonight.
A dinner is going to be made by Sally tonight.
Future Continuouswill
At 9:00 PM tonight, Josh will be cleaning the desk.
At 9:00 PM tonight, the desk will be being cleaned by Josh.
Future Continuous be going to
At 9:00 PM tonight, Josh going to be cleaning the desk.
At 9:00 PM tonight, the desk are going to be being cleaned by Josh.
Future Perfectwill
Peoples will have completed the job before the deadline.
The job will have been completed before the deadline.
Future Perfectbe going to
Peoples are going to have completed the job before the deadline.
The job is going to have been completed before the deadline.
Future Perfect Continuouswill
Andi will have been painting the building for over six months by the time it is finished.
The building will have been being painted by Andi for over six months by the time it is finished.
Future Perfect Continuous be going to
Andi is going to have been painting the building for over six months by the time it is finished.
The building is going to have been being painted by Andi for over six months by the time it is finished.
Used to
Jeremy used to close the window.
The window used to be closhed by Jeremy.
Would Always
My father would always make the telescope.
The telescope would always be made by my father.
Future in the Past Would
You knew Nathan would finish the job by 4:00 PM.
You knew the job would be finished by 4:00 PM.
Future in the Past Was Going to
We thought Sarah was going to make a dinner tonight.
We thought a dinner was going to be made by Sarah tonight.

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif di dalam Artikel
Highlight hijau menunjukkan kalimat aktif dan font merah menunjukkan kalimat pasif.

Why listening to music is the key to good health
It's the weekend and at some point you'll probably relax to your favourite music, watch a film with a catchy title track - or hit the dance floor.
There's no doubt that listening to your favourite music can instantly put you in a good mood. But scientists are now discovering that music can do more for you than just lift your spirits.
Research is showing it has a variety of health benefits.
Fresh research from Austria has found that listening to music can help patients with chronic back pain.
And a recent survey by Mind - the mental health charity - found that after counselling, patients found group therapy such as art and music therapy, the most useful.
Here, we present six proven ways that music can help you and your family's health
How it helps: Music works on the autonomic nervous system - the part of the nervous system responsible for controlling our blood pressure, heartbeat and brain function - and also the limbic system - the part of the brain that controls feelings and emotions. According to one piece of research, both these systems react sensitively to music.
When slow rhythms are played, our blood pressure and heartbeat slow down which helps us breathe more slowly, thus reducing muscle tension in our neck, shoulders, stomach and back. And experts say that apart from physical tension, music also reduces psychological tension in our mind.
In other words when we feel pain, we become frightened, frustrated and angry which makes us tense up hundreds of muscles in our back. Listening to music on a regular basis helps our bodies relax physically and mentally, thus helping to relieve - and prevent - back pain.
The research: A new study from Austria's General Hospital of Salzburg due to be published in The Vienna Medical Weekly Journal could hold the key to back pain. In the study, 65 patients aged between 21 and 68 with chronic back pain after back surgery were divided into two groups.
One group received standard medical care and physiotherapy. The other group also listened to music and received visualisation classes for 25 minutes every day for three weeks. Results found that the group who listened to music and used imagery experienced better pain relief than the group who did not.
Clinical psychologist Franz Wendtner who led the study says: 'Music is an important part of our physical and emotional wellbeing - ever since we were babies in our mother's womb listening to her heartbeat and breathing rhythms.
'Listening to music for about 25 minutes everyday for at least ten days can help prevent back pain and also make you sleep better.'
Which type of music is best? Experts believe any type of classical music such as Mozart or Beethoven can help relieve muscle pain. Calm, slow music is also thought to help.

How it helps: Experts say listening to music during exercise can give you a better workout in several ways. Scientists claim it can increase your endurance, boost your mood and can distract you from any discomfort experienced during your workout.
The research: Dr Robert Herdegen of America's Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked at the effects of 12 men riding a bicycle for ten minutes while listening to music on one day. He compared it to the same men riding bicycles without music for ten minutes the following day.
On the days that the men exercised listening to music, they travelled 11 per cent further - compared to the days they didn't listen to music. Researchers also found that the men's levels of exertion were at their lowest when listening to music.
Other studies show that listening to music releases endorphins - our natural 'feel good' hormones that lift our mood and give us motivation to carry on longer with exercise.
Which type of music is best? The best type of music for exercise is thought to be high energy, high tempo music such as hip hop or dance music.

3.        MEMORY LOSS
How it helps: For many people suffering from memory loss the spoken language has become meaningless. Music can help patients remember tunes or songs and get in touch with their history. This is because the part of the brain which processes music is located next to memory.
The research: Researchers from Norway's Sogn Og Fjordane College compared the effects of live, taped and no music on three different groups of people suffering from post traumatic amnesia - or memory loss.
The patients were exposed to all three conditions, twice over six consecutive days. Results showed that when patients listened to live or taped music, two thirds of them showed significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety and enhanced orientation, compared to the group that didn't listen to music.
Which type of music is best? Research shows that people with memory loss respond best to music of their choice.


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